Marcel Schramm


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Tech Skills#

Golang2018 - NowGood Java2016 - 2021Good Web-DevOn and OffHobbyist Pawn2012 - 2018Average Git2016 - NowGood SVN2016 - 2021Average SQL2014 - NowAverage Linux2010 - NowGood Docker2021 - NowAverage CI2017 - NowGood Code Reviews, Testing and co.2016 - NowGood

Noteworthy Projects#

scribble.rsGolang / JS
An open source alternative to
A windows / unix library to interact with the system recycle bin.
SA-MP Server BrowserJava / Kotlin
A modern alternative to the SA-MP client.
Yet another configuration library for Golang.
The very blog you are readingGolang
The blog attempts to stay as performant as possible, while still offering useful features and only offering optional use of JavaScript where necessary. It's generated using a blog generator I've written specificly for this blog.


EnglishFluent GermanNative


School for IT and Electronics08.2014 - 08.2015BBS Burgdorf Software Developer Apprenticeship01.2016 - 08.2019isp-insoft GmbH

Employment History#

Java Developer08.2019 - 12.2021isp-insoft GmbH

This is the company at which I've absolved my apprenticeship, meaning it was my first junior job. I've mostly worked with Java for the desktop. This included both server-side and client-side Java SE. The technologies I actively used were Java, Hibernate, SQL, Swing and InnoSetup. My objective was working on a project / process management tool, akin to Microsoft Project.

Golang Developer01.2022 - 01.2024VIER GmbH

Having done Java for about 6 years, I've decided to switch to Golang, as I've been using it on private projects since about 2018 and derived a lot of enjoyment from it. Unlike the previous job, this job involved no frontend work, besides some minor POCs and bugfixes. My task was creatin a workflow system, allowing you to create programs in the form of BPMN diagrams and execute them. The system is horizontally scalable, stateless and offers redundancy. I learned a great deal, working with Kafka, Zeebe, CockroachDB, MySQL, Nomad, the OpenTelemetry Stack and many more.

Golang Developer02.2024 - 04.2024LYNQTECH GmbH

This one was a rather short experience, as I've decided it just wasn't for me.